We’ve been disconnected from our faith, ourselves, community and nature for far too long. It’s time to reconnect. As women, specifically mothers society has taught us that we can be and do it all outside of the home, we are equal to men and success is found in our work. Stay at home mom is looked down upon and not acceptable to todays standards. It’s time to break free from this programming. Realizing the most important job we have that is irreplaceable is in the home. I share in my writings my experiences, my journey and learning through various sources on how I’m breaking away from the programming and living life on my terms. Through motherhood, pregnancy, birth, nutrition, homeschool and everything in between I hope to inspire others to break free from the mold we were placed into.
What if Fear Is The Real Battlefield?
What if fear was the real battle that we must take captive to win the battle? What if fear was the real battlefield?
It Started With a Stretch and Sweep
It would be years later, when I would realize that nothing about that birth was normal. None of it was necessary. That it all led to how I felt in my postpartum recovery. I would realize that I entered into the labour funnel and thankful that I somehow managed to not end up in c-section as the funnel tip of the funnel.
Rules, Rules and more Rules
Have we lost the ability to critically think for ourselves due to the over reach of too many rules governing our daily lifes under the guise of safety?
History of Vitamin K
The history of Vitamin K.
How did it become a standardized treatment, that parents are often coerced and fear mongered into getting?
It never made sense to me? God doesn’t make mistakes in his creation!
Reclaiming Our Power
I thought I had to choose.
I thought I had to find my nice.
It was so much more than that - I didn’t belong in the box I was putting myself in.
A New Transition
A New transition.
A starting over.
I’ve been here before, and although it feels hard I know I’ll be ok I just have to keep moving forward and allowing the Lord to guide each one of my steps.
“Once a Nurse Always a Nurse” - I disagree
The term nurse no longer resonates with me, when I think of nursing it’s no longer a world I want to be a part of.
Indoctrinated to Naturally Minded
To think there was once a time I would wait in line for my annual flu shot just to receive a free Tim Hortons coffee!
Why I love fevers!
This was not a retreat, an escaping, a turning back it was a stepping into, a returning, a Rebirth! This is what each woman did. They stepped fully into who they are in the most powerful way and it was beautiful to witness! I was transformed!
However, here's the thing with human experiences. We aren't all going to have the same one. We all come in with different lenses, expectations, desires and perspectives. We are all unique individuals. How I perceive things may not be what is actually happening for others.
What I have learned from this is to honour those different experiences. Honour the feedback (however hard it might be), and honour each individual on their own journey and learn from it. Always growing, evolving and expanding. Maintaining humility and compassion.
Rebirth Journey (Retreat) Recap
This was not a retreat, an escaping, a turning back it was a stepping into, a returning, a Rebirth! This is what each woman did. They stepped fully into who they are in the most powerful way and it was beautiful to witness! I was transformed!
However, here's the thing with human experiences. We aren't all going to have the same one. We all come in with different lenses, expectations, desires and perspectives. We are all unique individuals. How I perceive things may not be what is actually happening for others.
What I have learned from this is to honour those different experiences. Honour the feedback (however hard it might be), and honour each individual on their own journey and learn from it. Always growing, evolving and expanding. Maintaining humility and compassion.
Do any of us know where life will take us?
I was reminded of this picture recently. Taken in Cairns, Australia almost 15yrs ago.
Chris and I had just met a couple months before and found ourselves on this adventure touring the east coast of Australia together. This was the starting point of our trip.
I look at this picture and think, how young we were, and how little we knew of life and each other. It would be 2 weeks later the first I love yous would be said to one another. Life was easy, fun, adventurous. I was a nurse, he was a teacher and life together was exciting in between working hours.
Mostly, I look at this picture and think this man had no idea of the life he was signing up for. But do any of us?
Canadian Frontline Nurses Goodbye
Hello fellow warriors!
It’s been a while now since you have heard from me personally. I still remember the first email I sent out, to a group of nurses and healthcare workers feeling alone and isolated wondering what was going on in the world. I remember it felt great to come together and know that we weren’t “crazy” as had been made out to feel.
It was my immense privilege and honour to be able to communicate with you so openly and freely during the beginning of the world changing forever as we had once known it. I was able to pour my heart out and in return you showed me yours.
Why I Resigned
So I guess it's Nurses Week.
This picture was taken March 2020 - early on in the “pandemic” declaration - when masks became daily attire, along with goggles and scrub caps, when the theatrics began, and virtue signaling took on a whole new meaning.
I was miserable in this picture. I knew it was a lie and it was killing my soul. I’d say it was the beginning of the end for me, but really it started well before that moment, that was just the catalyst I needed to make a change.
Adley's Birth Story
This story isn't unique or special. This story is one that women before me, throughout HERstory have shared. This story is my personal reclaiming of my body, my faith and trust and the reclaiming of my birth; my children.
Carob Beet Cake
Oh my gosh! This Chocolate, gluten free, dairy free cake, inspired by @Joyous Health is AMAZING!
Stay At Home Mom
Life as we knew it was forever changed. Nothing about it was easy, planned or anything we would willingly choose for ourselves and family. But here we are.
Logan Bub. 2015.
I was working full-time as a NICU nurse completely indoctrinated into that world. Where one fears birth, sees it as dangerous, absolutely no question of any other care than an OB. Midwives are seen as harmful, doulas are laughed at and homebirths should be illegal. The hospital is the only safe option for having a baby. This culture is vile and at one point one that I agreed with.
Raising Nature’s Child
In a time where there is an app for everything, new smart technologies to think for us, and the never ending reminder to trust the science - do we remember or know how to trust ourselves?