

I try to stay away from politics these days and don't give it much attention.


For one I don't believe in it. (I know an unpopular opinion) but I don't.

Politicians are selected not elected. It also continues to give away OUR power to someone else instead of realizing - we the people hold the power.


Politics change depending on where they feel they will acquire the most votes - when they can win the people over. Again, we have the ability to change this.

Unfortunately, God has also been removed from politics and from the hearts of people. We no longer of a guiding moral compass, but one dictated by culture and MY truth instead the THE truth - which is why we find ourselves in the current state we are in.

I have been seeing a post going around about a black out shopping Day February 28th, I watched as people brought out their Canadian flags for "flag day" and now the whole political statement of Canada First.

This is NOT a patriotic move, this is a political move.

I find it fascinating to stand back and watch the mass hypnosis take place. As soon as the media tells the people to believe in something, act a certain way or take initiative they do - wholeheartedly!

The problem with all of this is there were people already doing this - but the media labelled us as NAZI's, or crazy, or discredited our reputation and labelled us with every hateful word imaginable to dehumanize us and change the truth to fit their agenda.

Many of us have been shopping local and buying local before it was cool. When I moved back to London in 2008, I remember watching so many local businesses pop up and flourish. I was so proud to call London home, watching many entrepreneurs take shape, grow and the local businesses all support one another! It was so beautiful and an amazing community was formed.

This all changed in 2020 - when the MEDIA told people to be AFRAID!!!! Afraid of one another, of an invisible (non existent germ), of the air we breathe.

People cheered on small businesses being closed! They asked for it as they hid in their house and their "bubbles." Very few fought for the local businesses to remain open - and those that did were vilified.

Many of those mom and pop shops didn't survive the closures - while the big box stores - that were allowed to stay open prospered!!

But here we are in 2025 where memories are short sighted - only acting on what the media is telling them to do. We are supposed to support these small businesses that many allowed to shut down - while staying away from the big box stores.

Where were you in 2020 and beyond? Where were you when they ostracized people? When many were persecuted and pitted against each other.

If we were to zoom out - we could see the hypocrisy in all of this. But instead we parrot phrases like "at the time we didn't know" "at the time we did the best we could" "it was really scary then we had to save xyz" "we did what we were told..."

Just doing what we are told to do got us here. Now we see more divide being created among each other and now at our American neighbours... What do the citizens of the US have to do with this?

Why are we so focussed on the US instead of the harms happening right here in our own country? We are ok with losing half our income to tax? Raising taxes? being taxed on top of tax and more tax? We are struggling in our own country because of our own governments but we are too distracted by what the media tells us to focus on to even realize the wolves are right here in our own backyard!

We flew our Canadian Flags proudly in 2022 - some were told to remove them! That we couldn't wave the flag, some places even banned them. We stood up for our Country, for Canadians, for those mom and pop shops, for the children, elderly our neighbours.

Now the flag is once again being used as a political prop - first it was bad to fit their political agenda of concealing the truth, now it's good to push their agenda forward.

I will continue what I have always done and support local, support small businesses and purchase from people I believe in - whether Canadian or American.

I will continue to remember those that stood up for what was right. That remain in love, with kind hearts. I will continue to remember our Canadian flag when it was flown in one of the greatest moments of Canadian history in 2022.

I will not participate in this hypocritical nonsense that politicians are using to prop themselves up!

Now would be a good time to ask a friend, neighbour co-worker, family member who had differing views then you.. what was it all about and why?

To see them as real people. With real stories and Real hearts.

Take your eyes away from the media and look around at our own country.

Our country is in trouble and it has nothing to do "with that bad orange man."

For those with eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to feel. The truth is there when ready


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