Rules, Rules and more Rules


Can we talk about rules for a moment!?


After being in Central America - specifically Nicaragua one of the things I noticed immediately was the lack of rules.


It really had me thinking of how much our daily lives are governed in Canada. I'm not even talking about the last few years, I mean always.

It was a breath of fresh air and a weight off my shoulders, I didn't even know was there.

We have become so conditioned by rules to run our daily lives - I think many wouldn't know how to live without them.

Why? Because we no longer know how to govern ourselves. We lack self responsibility. We have been told what to do our whole lives for so long that the rules are how we live.

How could one function if they had to think for themselves?

The children were so free while we were away. Free to play. Free to be. Free to live. You want to walk up that water slide while other kids are sliding down? Sure. You want to go head first on your back? Sure. No car seat? No problem. A 45 min car ride in the back of a pick up truck? Sure. No shoes? No shirt? Come on in!

These are just some of the big examples that stood out to me. In Canada, every part of our day is governed one way or another. Road signs, traffic laws, helmets, seatbelts, no shoes, no shirt (no mask), no service. Line up here. Stand here. Speak here. No speaking. Tobogganing? No, too dangerous. All the rules at recess and the playgrounds 🤦‍♀️.

I didn't even realize how many rules we lived by each day until they no longer existed.

There was even a different awareness and courtesy in the roads while driving. Was it perfect? No. But it felt different in a good way.

All these rules fall under the guise of safety. Protecting the public. Making sure things are orderly.

This is an illusion. An illusion of safety.

What really is happening is creating individuals that cannot think for themselves. That can't decide what is safe for them.

They don't know how to conduct their daily activities using their own conscience and intuition.

It's actually more dangerous because individuals don't know what is safe for themselves or how to critically think in situations, observe and make decisions.

It's amazing what happens when you become your own safety control board. When you take responsibility for yourself and your actions. No longer relying on everyone around you to keep you safe. 

You are in control. It's freedom that most aren't ready for. You become aware of your body, your feelings and intuition. You are more intune.

The illusion of safety. It's a big topic.

I bet even reading this makes some feel very uncomfortable.

Are we too conditioned and programmed by rules? Are our lives just micromanaged?

Are you a rule follower or rule breaker?


It Started With a Stretch and Sweep

